如果下水道堵塞了, you might try fixing it yourself with a plunger or some elbow 油脂. 有时候,这是可行的. 但当水槽还是放不下水的时候, 或者淋浴的水一直在你的脚周围聚集, 是时候面对现实了:你可能需要专业的帮助. 有些木屐太顽固,无法自己修补. 这时就需要专业管道工介入了. But how do plumbers clean drains, and why is their method often more effective?

在这个博客中, 我们将带你了解水管工是如何清理排水管的, 他们使用的工具, and why some drain cleaning methods are best left to the pros.


在我们讨论管道工如何清理排水管之前, 这有助于理解为什么某些木屐会如此棘手. 每天的垃圾,比如食物残渣, 头发, 油脂, 随着时间的推移,肥皂渣会积聚在下水道里, 导致排水缓慢,最终全面堵塞. While you might have some success with a plunger 或者化学排水管清洁剂, more severe drain clogs require professional-grade tools and experience.

What’s worse is that many household attempts to unclog drains can actually cause more harm than good. Pouring harsh chemicals down your pipes could damage the plumbing, 特别是如果你有一个旧的系统. Plus, those “quick fixes” only treat the symptom, not the root cause of the clog. Professional plumbers can identify and fix the problem for good, 所以你不需要经常备份.


Professional plumbers use a variety of drain cleaning tools that most homeowners don’t have access to. These tools are designed to handle minor clogs and major drainage issues. Here’s a look at the most common tools professional plumbers use to unclog drains:


One of the oldest and most effective tools plumbers use to unclog drains is the manual 排水蛇. 这是一个很长的, flexible metal cable that can be pushed down the drain to break up or pull out clogs. It’s particularly useful for sink drains and other smaller drain lines.

The plumber will twist and maneuver the snake through the pipes until it reaches the blockage. 一旦有, they’ll either pull the clog out or break it up into smaller pieces that can be flushed down the drain. 手动排水管蛇对于较小的排水管堵塞非常好, such as 头发 in 浴室的下水道 or food debris in the kitchen drain.


Drain augers are similar to 排水蛇s but come in various sizes to tackle different types of clogs. Plumbers might use smaller augers for bathroom sinks or larger ones for more severe clogs in toilet bowls or shower drains. 用合适的螺旋钻, plumbers can break through even the most persistent clogs without damaging the drain pipes.


A step up from the manual 排水蛇 is the motorized drain auger. This tool works similarly to its manual counterpart but provides extra power and reach. 电动版是完美的硬木屐, 包括那些深埋在排水管道或下水道的管道. Professional plumbers use motorized drain augers for serious blockages that would be impossible to reach with manual tools.

These motorized tools are essential for more significant drainage issues, 比如下水道堵塞或厕所堵塞, 手工方法无法切割的地方. They can break through anything from compacted 头发 to 油脂 buildups, 保持排水系统有效运转.


有时, 水管工需要看到你的管道深处发生了什么, and this is where video pipe inspection equipment comes into play. 使用小的, 防水相机连接在一个灵活的杆, 水管工可以从内部检查你的管道, identifying not only clogs but also any damage to the pipe walls that may need repair.

This method is incredibly helpful when dealing with recurring clogs or broken pipes. It allows plumbers to diagnose the problem accurately and decide on the best drain opening methods.


One of the most effective and eco-friendly ways to clean drains is through hydro jetting. This method uses highly pressurized water to blast through clogs and clean the insides of your pipes. It’s powerful enough to remove not just debris but also years of accumulated buildup, 像油脂, 皂垢, 甚至你的管壁上也会有矿物质沉积.

而化学排水管清洁剂会随着时间的推移损坏管道, 水力喷射是一种安全、高效的替代方法. It’s ideal for clearing out stubborn blockages and sewer clogs while keeping your drain system intact.


So, how do you know when it’s time to stop DIYing and call a plumber? 这里有一些迹象表明,你可能无法控制堵塞:


It’s tempting to try to unclog drains yourself, but doing so can lead to bigger problems. 正如我们提到的, many store-bought chemical drain cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can erode your pipes and damage your plumbing system over time. Plus, using the wrong tools or techniques can make the problem worse.

例如, using a 排水蛇 incorrectly could push the clog deeper into the drain line, 使其更难去除. And while pouring boiling water or baking soda down the drain might help with minor clogs, 它不会解决主要的排水问题.

Professional plumbers have the tools and expertise required to clean your drains; they also understand how to do so without damaging your pipes. This is especially important if you have an older home or a septic system that needs extra care.


那么,水管工是如何清理下水道的呢? 如你所见, there are several drain cleaning methods that professional plumbers rely on to clear clogs, depending on the severity of the blockage and the type of drain. These methods include motorized 排水蛇s and hydro jetting, among others.

基夫的报价全面 新奥尔良的下水道清洁工作以及周边地区. Our team is equipped with the latest tools and drain cleaning methods to get your plumbing system back to normal.

Are you tired of dealing with slow drains, backed-up sinks, or foul odors? 如果你遇到下水道堵塞,让基夫来处理. 你是否需要帮助你的厨房水槽排水管, 浴室的下水道, 甚至是你的下水道, our professional plumbers are ready to clean your drains and get your home’s plumbing system back in shape. 安排你的 新奥尔良排水管清洗 今天的服务!